Three things to remember – quoting Mary Oliver in a letter to Nancy.

I wrote a letter to a friend today.
It had roses on it.

The kind I would like to have
in my garden someday,
frothing pinkishly on trellises,
peeking with red flouncy eyes
through the windows of my bedroom.

Temptation leaning on the sill
making eyes at me.

In the letter I wrote her a poem,
not mine. But it reminded me
of her.

“As long as you are dancing, you can
break the rules.
Sometimes breaking the rules is just
extending the rules.

Sometimes there are no rules.”

And I see her dancing
as she always does,
twirling, twirling
with a paintbrush in her hand,
a smile trembling on her lips,
and music rolling off her hips.

Dancing, dancing deep into the night,
breaking all the rules.

Little drops of timelessness…

The sun slants in through the window bringing with it a deep sense of well being. Feeling its warmth upon my neck, I close my eyes and sit very still.

There is no sound. No movement. Only stillness. The kind that holds, that envelopes and elevates.

Sunlight doesn’t ask for much. All it asks of us is simply, to be. And soon, drop by drop the light melts upon the skin and seeps into the soul and there is a feeling of expansion and one’s breath becomes deeper, fuller, more meaningful. There is hope, there is rest, there is the beating of one’s heart. Slow, rhythmic.

Consciousness is the warmth upon my skin and the pulse at my throat.
